The international coordinating secretary for the twelth Concrete Design Competition 2025/2026 is the Austrian national secretariat. For information not found on this website please contact the Austrian national secretariat or contact the national secretariat of the country you are studying in.



Beton Dialog Österreich

contact person:
Claudia Dankl
tel. +43 1 714 66 85 - 63

TU Wien Science Center
Franz-Grill-Straße 9, O 214  
1030 Wien



Entries need to be submitted digitally only in PDF formats. Please note that your panels may be printed on A1 size and need to be of sufficient resolution.

Deadline to be announced


FEBELCEM – Federation of the Belgian cementindustry (Federatie van de Belgische cementnijverheid – Fédération de l’industrie cimentière belge)

contact persons:
Arnaud Tandt
mobile: +32 486 27 43 12

Jean-François Denoël
mobile: +32 478 82 43 18

Kunstlaan 20 /Av. des Arts 20
B-1000  Brussel / Bruxelles



Entries need to be submitted digitally only (email, wetransfer, etc.) in PDF formats. Please note that your panels may be printed on A1 size and need to be of sufficient resolution.

Deadline to be announced

Follow us on Facebook:



InformationsZentrum Beton GmbH

contact person:
Ulrich Nolting
tel. +49 211 28048 300

Büro Ostfildern
Gerhard-Koch-Straße 2+4
73760 Ostfildern



Entries Enries need to be submitted digitally only (WeTransfer to
Please note that your panels may be printed on A1 size and need to be of sufficient resolution.

Deadline to be announced

For futher information please also check:



CMI - Cement Manufacturers Ireland 

contact person:
Éanna Nolan
tel. +353 41 987 6466

Irish Cement Ltd.
Platin, Drogheda,
Co. Louth.
A92 XP78



Entries need to be submitted digitally and in PDF formats only. Please note that all panels may be printed on A1 size and need to be of sufficient resolution. 

Deadline to be announced




Tektoniek University  

contact person:
Cindy Vissering
tel. +31 6 296 058 54

Jaap Bijzerweg 19
3446 CR  Woerden
The Netherlands



Entries need to be submitted digitally only (email, wetransfer, etc.) in PDF formats. Please note that your panels may be printed on A1 size and need to be of sufficient resolution. Entries should be send to:

Deadline May 2026, details to be announced

Besides the invitation for selected laureates to take part in the Concrete Design Master Class 2026, the Dutch organisers will award prize money in the amount of € 3.000,- to be divided amongst the laureates at the jury's discretion.

Please note that in the Netherlands competition winnings do not resort under 'gambling tax', but are subject to 'income tax'. It is the responsibility for the receivers to declare income tax if applicable.


The competition runs in the academic year 2025/2026 (2024/2025). Exact deadlines for submitting your entries, as well as other requirements, may differ from country to country. Please check your country's specifications above.

competition: September: 2025(2024) - May 2026 
national jury sessions: May / June 2026
master class for laureates: August, 2026

Please check your national secretary pages for updated info



The 12th Concrete Design Competition is open to any registered student in schools of architecture or related disciplines in countries that support the competition, regardless of the participants own nationality. 
The supporting countries are: Austria, Belgium, Germany, Ireland and The Netherlands.
Entries may be submitted by individuals or by teams. Teams may be interdisciplinary and may consist out of a maximum of three persons. All members of a competing team must comply with all the terms and conditions given in these rules. Entries can only be submitted in the country in which the competitor is studying during the academic years 2025/2026. In some countries also work produced during the second half of the academic year 2024/2025 may be accepted.


All general information will be provided through our website only ( 
All communication will be in English. Proposals have to be drafted in English.


3.1 Items to be submitted

The entries submitted by competitors or teams of competitors comprise a maximum of:
One or two A1- format panels (width: 594mm x height: 841mm). These must be laid out vertically (portrait) and numbered one and two. 
The entries have to be submitted digitally (e.g. PDF format). Please note that the entries may be printed on A1 size panel for the benefit of the jury process, make sure the resolution of your entries will support this (300 dpi on original panel size (A1) and in the original layout of the submitted panels).
Completed Identification Form (each team member has to fill out a separate Identification Form, the form can be downloaded from our website).
Completed Ownership Declaration (all team member have to sign this form, the form can be downloaded from our website).
A copy of the school registration card for the academic year 2025/2026 (2024/2025)
On our website you can find the email addresses for the country you submit. Please check the national secretary section of our website ( for details.


3.2 Content of entries
There are no regulations concerning the content of the A1 size panels. They may contain plans, sections, isometrics and so on. Competitors must decide themselves on the most effective ways to present their proposals. Juries will under no circumstances examine any additional documents or models.

3.3 ID-code
Each competitor or team of competitors must choose an ID-code made up of:
two letters from the Roman alphabet (e.g. AA)
followed by three figures (e.g. 123)
This ID-code (e.g. AA123), to the exclusion of any other mention, must appear on all documents and wrappings entered in the competition:
on each panel
on the forms

3.3 Anonymity
The panels and the outside of the envelope may not contain any information indicating the identity of the competitors.

3.4 Submission of entries
The date for submission of entries will be set by each national secretary individually. Please check the national secretary section of our website ( for details. 

3.5 Nationally declared requirements
Individual national secretaries may provide additional specifications for submission of entries. Please check the national secretary section of our website ( for details. 



All materials received by the organisers become the property of the organisers and may be used in any form for publication purposes. The intellectual property rights of each project are the exclusive property of the author(s) thereof. Results (i.e. objects and drawings) produced during the master class will become property of the organisers and may be used in any form for publication purposes. The same rights for publication purposes are also reserved equally for all participants of the master class. Artistic rights, copyrights or intellectual ownership on results produced during the master class remain the property of all workshop participants and contributors as a group.

All participants to the competition give consent to the organisers to use images and video footage in which the participants may appear that may be taken during the Concrete Design Master Class for laureates for publication in print or digital (website).


The 12th Concrete Design Competition runs during the academic year of 2025/2026 in some participating countries in the academic year 2024/2025 as well.

The date for submission of entries will be set by each national secretary individually. Please check the national secretary section of our website ( for details.
The Concrete Design Workshop will run end of August 2026. Definite dates will be published on the website. 



6.1 National juries
Each national secretary organises a national jury. The Jury members will be announced through our website.
6.2 Competition outcome
The jury’s decision is final and not open for debate. Each national jury will designate up to three winning entries, and may or may not specify a ranking. Additionally the national juries may award other entries with a ‘honourable mention’.
6.3 Disclosure of competitors’ names
No jury member will be made aware of competitors’ names until after the judging session. In order to guarantee the anonymity of the entries, competitors may not use their projects for any kind of communication before the national jury results are made public with the exception of regular school requirements.


7.1 Concrete Design Master Class
Selected national winners are invited to participate in a 6 day Master Class as an international event. The national secretaries will organise and fund travel, accommodation and programme costs. Travel costs will be funded based on travelling from and to the country in which the entries were submitted.
Details on the program will be given on our website (
7.2 Publication
All winning and awarded (honourable mention) entries will be published on our website (
7.3 Additional awards
Individual national secretaries may offer additional awards to their laureates. Please check the national secretary section of our website ( for details.


All participants to the 12th cycle of the Concrete Design Competition give their consent to publish their entries, names, and names of schools upon sending in their entries. In case the entry is awarded consent is also given to make use of contact details in order to notify the participant of the award, as well as for preparations for the master class. Furthermore, photographic and/or video images may be taken during the master class and may be published for which consent is given upon sending in the entry.

On registration

There is no need to register for participating in the competition. Just take care your entry is delivered before the deadline in the country your studying in.

Please check your country's specifications.

On nationality of participants

Everyone subscribed as a student for the academic year 2025/2026 (2024/2025) in one of the participating countries (Austria, Belgium, Germany, Ireland and The Netherlands) can participate in the competition regardless of their own nationality. 

i.e. Erasmus exchange students on exchange at a school in one of the participating countries can participate, even in case their 'home' university is in a country not participating.

Please be aware that for laureates of the competition travel expenses to and from the master class location are based on the country one participates in, regardless of the actual location of the laureate at the time of the master class.

On nationality dependent requirements / specifications

Some requirements concerning the delivery of the competition entries (deadline, addresses, and so on) are organised nationally and may differ from country to country. Please carefully check your country's specifications.

On participants

All students subscribed (for the academic year 2025/2026 & 2024/2025) in a school (university / academy / or any other kind) in one of the participating countries can participate in the competition regardless of their progress in their studies.

On exchange students

As long as you are subscribed in (studying in) one of the participating countries, you can participate in the competition. Also if students are studying in one of these countries as an exchange student. Either through the Erasmus program or any other program. You do have to submit your entry in the country in which you are studying, even if your 'normal' course is in another of the participating countries. 

A German student studying for this period in Ireland through the Erasmus exchange program, should submit his entry in Ireland.

A Danish (not one of the participating countries) student studying for this period in Belgium through the Erasmus exchange program, should submit his entry in Belgium. 

Please be aware that for laureates of the competition travel expenses to and from the master class location are based on the country one participates in, regardless of the actual location of the laureate at the time of the master class.

On graduation students

If you graduate during the academic year 2025/2026 (2024/2025) and you will not be subscribed at a university or school for the whole academic year, you still can participate. The national deadline for delivery of entries applies even if you are not a student anymore at that date. You must however have been subscribed at a university or school at least for some time during the academic year 2025/2026 (2024/2025).

You graduate in January 2026 and subsequently you will not be subscribed from January 2026 onwards at the university you graduate from. You are able to participate in the Concrete Design Competition.
